What is the latest version and compatibility of Sorted³?

Sorted³ for iOS

The latest version is 3.11. Requires iOS 11.4 or later.

Sorted³ for iPadOS

The latest version is 3.11. Requires iPadOS 11.4 or later.

Sorted³ for macOS

The latest version is 3.11. Requires macOS Catalina 10.15 or later. Currently not compatible with macOS 14.

Sorted³ for watchOS

Comes with iOS, latest version same as Sorted³ for iOS. Requires watchOS 6.0 or later.

Sorted³ on iPod touch

The latest version same as Sorted³ for iOS. Requires iOS 11.4 or later.

Find the version number of Sorted³ installed on your current device

Please follow the steps of "Settings-About" in Sorted³ to open the app information page. The version number is under the Sorted³ logo and is displayed as "Sorted X.X".

About incompatible OS versions

Due to the minimum requirements for the OS version of the Apple development tools used and the current development plans, we will not support OS versions other than the above list.

Special note on the compatibility of Sorted³ for macOS

At the time of macOS Catalina 10.15 release, because the development tools provided by Apple for adapting app to this version were not perfect, you may experience bugs such as crash, freeze and incomplete window display when installing and running Sorted³ on macOS Catalina 10.15. Please update your Mac to the latest macOS version to resolve the issue.

Published date: 2023.12.15

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